Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Illiterate=Broken Computers

A woman came in last night, walked up to the front desk, and confidently proclaimed: "I'm illiterate!"
She followed that with: "Meaning...if you put me on one of those machines over there *points to the computers*, I'll break it."
I was puzzled by how these two things connected. Should I then conclude that any patron who is unable to read should be banned from computer use to keep from having to replace all of them on a daily basis? And how exactly does the fact that one can't read increase one's chances of breaking a technological device?
What she really wanted was for us to show her books about bees and bee keeping, which she didn't want to look up herself, apparently in fear of breaking the computer. We showed her the section, which was not a problem in the slightest since we do that sort of thing all day, but I wasn't sure it was going to do much good--how, may I be so bold to ask, is she going to read these books if she's illiterate?

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Sorry I Asked

I casually walked past a gentleman that's a frequent patron to our library and smiled. I should learn not to do that.

Him: "How are you?"
Me: "I'm pretty good. How are you?"

I feel like our culture has become almost like robots when greeting each other, and unfortunately I was in robot mode...

His response?

"Well, I went to the ATM to get $1000 out and they put $20s in the $100s spot, so I got a bunch of $20s and now I have to wait 7 to 10 days to get my other $800. That's how it's going."

Sorry I asked.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Mr. Discreet

A man came in today to use the internet, which isn't anything out of the ordinary, since on any given day we have 100s of people looking for the very same service. He was assigned to a computer whose screen happens to face the circulation desk and is clearly visible to the staff.

As I was walking back toward the desk, a co-worker of mine began to chuckle and my manager, standing next to him, tilted her head sideways and looked perplexed, yet slightly amused. When I came within sight of this gentleman, I saw that his computer screen was turned almost completely toward the wall of the cubicle he was in and he was straining to fit his head between the screen and the wall. The woman next to him also had her computer turned, but not quite as extremely sideways. They reminded me of an old married couple who had some sort of disagreement and refused to even show each other what they were up to. I actually wish that had been the case...

My manager slowly and carefully walked by this gentleman to try to get a glimpse of his computer screen. I had turned to help another patron, and when I turned back to see what had happened, he was gone.

He had apparently been looking at personal ads that bordered on pornography. My manager had explained the no porn policy to him and asked him to leave. Although it wasn't very humorous in the fact that he was searching for something or someone like that, I had to laugh at how hard he tried to hide what he was doing. Not the most un-suspicious way I've ever seen.