Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Illiterate=Broken Computers

A woman came in last night, walked up to the front desk, and confidently proclaimed: "I'm illiterate!"
She followed that with: "Meaning...if you put me on one of those machines over there *points to the computers*, I'll break it."
I was puzzled by how these two things connected. Should I then conclude that any patron who is unable to read should be banned from computer use to keep from having to replace all of them on a daily basis? And how exactly does the fact that one can't read increase one's chances of breaking a technological device?
What she really wanted was for us to show her books about bees and bee keeping, which she didn't want to look up herself, apparently in fear of breaking the computer. We showed her the section, which was not a problem in the slightest since we do that sort of thing all day, but I wasn't sure it was going to do much good--how, may I be so bold to ask, is she going to read these books if she's illiterate?

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