Friday, October 8, 2010

Psychic Librarian

Today's phone conversation proves I have not been blessed with the ability to read people's minds...

Me: "Pleasantville Library, can I help you?"

Patron: "Yes."

**Insert long and uncomfortable pause here.**

Me: "Hello?"

Patron: "Yes."

Me: "How can I help you?"

Patron: "I want to see what's due on this card." *Spouts off library card number.*

Now we're getting somewhere! Unfortunately, as a general rule, librarians don't know what you want or need until you tell them. The first step to recovery is admitting that you need help, so at least this patron is on the right track. However, we appreciate those of you who are able to articulate not only that you need help, but what you need help with, on the first try.

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