Tuesday, October 5, 2010

You Know You're a Librarian when...

...you give people the evil stare when they're being too loud--even when you're at a concert.

...you walk in to a fast food restaurant and a little kid points and yells to her mom "HEY! THAT'S THE LADY FROM THE LIBRARY!!!"

...you look to see if the barcode on your personal DVD case matches the barcode on the disc.

...you slowly start migrating towards the colorful new cardigans in every clothing store you walk in to.

...you contemplate getting a chain for your glasses so you can stop spending half your day trying to figure out where you laid them down last.

...you associate the transactions in your online bank account with the Dewey Decimal System.

...you start writing a blog about your crazy patrons to keep your sanity intact.

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