Friday, August 19, 2011

Library Books Are Not Your Purse

Women's purses are bottomless pits for everything--from candy wrappers to nail clippers to travel size hand sanitizer. I can admit quite proudly that my purse is not an exception to that stereotype.

In my three years working in a library, though, I must say I've seen scarier things stuck in books than anything that's ever made its way into my purse.

Today it was a nail file, which was obviously well used. Sometimes I make fun of my dad for using toilet paper as a bookmark, but I have since decided that's not all that weird. If you don't have a bookmark handy and happen to be sitting in what dad likes to call "the office," toilet paper seems like a viable option. A nail file, however, is not the first thing on my list of creative bookmarks.

We tend to find a lot of private documents too. I heard a statistist on the news once that someone's identity is stolen every 4 seconds. One would think this kind of truth would keep people from putting their bank statements, credit card statements, and doctor bills in the middle of their books, but alas, it doesn't. I'd personally rather loose my place in the story than my identity.

The most ironic part of it all is that noone ever comes back looking for these documents. We keep them for a while and then shred them if they aren't claimed--you can thank us later. The only things I've actually had people coming back desperately searching for are...bookmarks.


  1. I think my worst habit when it comes to bookmarks is using money... $1 bills aren't too bad, but there was one time when I used a $100 bill!
    - Susan

  2. Wow! You know, I forgot to mention money, but I have definitely found that before. I would love to think it's a tip, but somehow they always want it back.
